Westoba Credit Union

US Rates*

Foreign Exchange Rates

US Rates
Buying US Funds:1.4295
Selling US Funds:1.3793
Rates Updated December 2, 2024 at 9:00am

Did you know you can buy US money and deposit to your US account online? Just use the transfer feature on your online banking. Call 1-877-WESTOBA if you have questions!

US Term Rates

Use our Investment Calculator to help figure out your investment options.

US Dollars *Minimum $1000
30 - 59 Day Term (Non-redeemable)1.100%
60 - 89 Day Term (Non-redeemable)1.250%
90 - 179 Day Term (Non-redeemable)1.800%
180 - 269 Day Term (Non-redeemable)1.900%
270 - 364 Day Term( Non-redeemable)2.350%
1 Year (Non-redeemable)2.500%
$1000 minimum on all of the above

*Rates are subject to change without notice.
*Conditions may apply.
*Additional terms and rates are available upon request.
*US Foreign Exchange Rates Subject to Change