Merger Notice: Members should continue to access services at their current branches only. As access options become available, members will be updated. Learn more
Westoba Credit Union - A Division of Assiniboine Credit Union


Online Policies

Bank with confidence and a greater peace of mind.

At Westoba, we take privacy and security seriously. Nothing is more important than protecting your personal and financial information. We are committed to keeping your information safe. For information on account terms and conditions of use, information collection privacy and secure banking refer to:

Market Conduct Code

Our Market Conduct Code shows the best practices for soliciting, promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, or distributing our products or services in Manitoba. Our credit union's Board of Directors adopts this code and also demonstrates our commitment to the fair treatment of those who use our products and services.


Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry

The Code was designed to protect credit union members’ interests related to the issuance and acceptance of payment cards, and to the operation of payment card networks.


Membership Application & Account Agreement - Individuals

By signing a Membership Application, the Applicant requests membership in the Credit Union and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Account Agreement.


Privacy Consent

We are committed to protecting our member’s privacy and safeguarding their personal and financial information. Please email all privacy questions, reports or incidents to privacy@westoba.com.


Secure Banking

Nothing is more important than protecting your personal and financial information. We are committed to keeping your information safe and want to provide you with the tools and knowledge to protect yourself.


Accessibility Statement

Our commitment to our members inspires us to ensure accessibility for all our members. We take all reasonable actions to ensure all members have access to our services.


e-Statement Consents

By signing the e-Statement Consent form, you consent to receive, periodic statements relating to my current and future deposit and loan accounts electronically.


Direct Services Agreement

Visit the learn more below to view the Direct Service Agreement for Westoba Credit Union.