Westoba Credit Union

Market Conduct Code

The Market Conduct Code shows the best practices for soliciting, promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, or distributing our products or services in Manitoba. Our credit union’s Board of Directors adopts this code and also demonstrates our commitment to the fair treatment of those who use our products and services.

Our best practices are summarized in five fundamental principles:

  • Fair Treatment and Sales Practices: Treating members fairly and demonstrating fair sales practices are integral parts of our business practices.
  • Business Practices: We are committed to providing fair treatment to all members using our products and services. It is a core component of our governance and corporate culture.
  • Access to Banking Services: We ensure that all credit union members are provided access to certain fundamental financial services.
  • Transparency and Disclosure: We strive to use plain-language descriptions of products and services in all our communications to allow members to make informed decisions. We exercise transparency in our operations. For a complete list of retail service fees, please see the Fee for Service Document
  • Complaint Handling: We examine complaints and settle them fairly, using a process that is available to all members.

To read the complete Market Code of Conduct that our credit union supports, click here.

Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry

Westoba Credit Union is committed to protecting our members, and one of the ways is by following the code of conduct set out by the credit and debit card industry in Canada. The Code was designed to protect credit union members’ interests related to the issuance and acceptance of payment cards, and to the operation of payment card networks.

The code of conduct is available on our website, as well as on the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada if you require more information.