Westoba Credit Union

Being a Westoba Member Comes with Benefits!

Keystone Centre

Westoba is the biggest naming sponsor of the Keystone Centre and with that, come member benefits:

  1. We are helping subsidize operating costs and this helps ensure things like ice rental rates are kept affordable to promote greater participation.
  2. Use a “Westoba Fast Lane” to get in quicker to events held at Westoba Place.
  3. This partnership supports our community investment strategy. Our members have told us they want Westoba to invest in community infrastructure. What better facility to support than the Keystone Centre?

Westoba Place Fast Lane

How to use it

Members just need to flash their Westoba MemberCard or credit card and take the fast lane! Use the Westoba Fast Lane for the next event. Stay tuned for what other events you can use the Westoba Place Fast Lane.


Pre-Sale Codes for Keystone Events

When events come to town, Westoba makes sure you are the first in line for tickets. Watch your email for exclusive pre-sale codes from us and instructions on how to get your tickets.


Stay connected about Member Benefits!

Our members will see more benefits and opportunities for pre-sale tickets for concerts and sporting events and chances to use the Westoba Fast Lane to get into events. Sign up for Westoba News emails and be the first to know all the details!

Please send us an email to infowcul@westoba.com indicating you would like to register for our Marketing Electronic Messages.


Learn about Westoba News by receiving our electronic e-newsletter, get product updates, and information on campaigns. Be connected! By signing up for our Marketing Electronic Message you consent to Westoba Credit Union Ltd. (Unit C – 220 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4E8, 1-877-WESTOBA) sending you commercial electronic messages to the email address(es) provided that relate to your account(s) and activities, as well as additional information about other products and services available to you through Westoba Credit Union Ltd. and its partner companies. *