Merger Notice: Members should continue to access services at their current branches only. As access options become available, members will be updated. Learn more
Westoba Credit Union - A Division of Assiniboine Credit Union

Profit Sharing

It pays to be a member.

At Westoba, we share our success with members. It’s our way of saying thanks for making us your financial partner.

Our Member Equity Plan rewards members for doing business with us through profit sharing payments that reflect your level of support for the credit union during the year.

How does it work?

After making sure we meet the credit union’s financial targets and regulatory obligations, Westoba’s Board may set aside a portion of our yearly earnings to reward members for their support. We typically distribute profit sharing payments to Member Equity Accounts. The amount paid to your account (or dividend) is a percentage of the interest you’ve paid on loans and interest you’ve earned on deposits.

As your Member Equity Account grows over the years, the money it holds becomes a part of the credit union’s capital base, along with our retained earnings. The decision to pay members a dividend is always based on our financial results. We need to make sure we have enough capital to meet regulatory obligations and support future growth and development.

Interested in seeing how Westoba is doing? Click here to see our latest full Financial Statement.


Want to learn how we did last year?
Our Annual Reports give the highlights.


Westoba’s Board of Directors is elected to represent their fellow members.