Holiday Branch Donations

Date: December 22, 2021

In the spirit of the holidays, Westoba is giving back to our communities with donations of $100 from each branch to local charities and community organizations of their choice! 

The following organizations have been selected by our branches to each receive these $100 donations: 

BranchOrganization Chosen
Brandon - 18th and KirkcaldyBrandon Humane Society
Brandon - 1st StreetMood Disorders Association of Manitoba
Brandon - 34th and VictoriaBrandon Civic Senior Citizens Inc.
SourisChristmas Cheer Fund
RiversRivers & Area Lions Club
Swan LakeLorne Memorial Hospital Ladies Auxiliary
La RiviereManitou Christmas Cheer Board
Pilot MoundPilot Mound Community Food Bank
KillarneyKillarney Ag Society
CartwrightCartwright Community Independent School
NinetteNinette Volunteer Fire Department
The PasClearwater Lake Outdoor Club
Winnipeg PembinaWinnipeg Humane Society
Winnipeg PortageMain Street Project
CarberryCarberry United Church
GlenboroGlenboro Health Auxiliary
Corporate OfficeBrandon Friendship Centre

Each local charity is dedicated to helping and serving people and families in our community, and we are proud to support them!