Learning The Value Of Money With Our Coin Counting Activity Sheet

Date: November 9, 2020

November is Financial Literacy Month and we want to help kids understand money and it’s value with some fun activity sheets!

Which is why we’ve put together a coin counting worksheet to help kids learn about money. Learning how to calculate the value of money willl help build your child’s relationship with money and teaches them to make informed decisions in the future; this is an important skill in life and in math.

Pull out your wallet, your change jar or the kid’s piggy banks and teach your child about the value of currency. Talk about what is important to them and what they are saving for. Depending on their level of ability, adjust the information you are giving them. Simply knowing what a quarter looks like versus a loonie will go a long way to teaching your child the value of a coin. Talk about the now extinct penny. Check out this article from the Royal Canadian Mint on phasing out the penny.

CLICK HERE for our downloadable money worksheet you can do at home. Get your kids to work out the math and tag us on social media @westobacu to show us what they learned!