Westoba Credit Union

Tag Archives: financial fitness

Are You Impacted By Financial Stress?

If you’re facing finance-related stress, one of the very best things to do is to talk about it.

Staying Prepared: What Your Executor Needs to Know

When it comes to your financial fitness and the peace of mind that your estate will be taken care of when you pass, it’s important to prepare yourself now.

Why Do I Need a Financial Fitness Checkup?

Just like with physical fitness, your financial fitness can grow stronger with the right planning and commitment.

What is Trigger Rate and How Does it Affect You?

If you’re someone who makes fixed payments on your variable-rate mortgage or loan, it’s important to understand what the trigger rate is and how it can affect your payments.

Why Do I Need a Financial Plan?

Ensure a sound plan is in place that matches your goals.

How to Protect Your Wealth

Strategies that help you gain peace of mind knowing you’ve secured your financial future.

Beginner’s Guide to Budgeting Your Life

The biggest step in your financial fitness journey is learning to manage your money.

Welcome to Financial Fitness 2022

What does it mean to be financially fit as a Westoba member?

When is debt a SMART idea?

Taking on more debt when you’re already in debt sounds like a bad idea. But is it?