Collabria Balance Transfer

Date: May 1, 2020

May 1st until July 31st, 2020, members can take advantage of the Balance Transfer promotion on all Collabria consumer and business credit card accounts except for US dollar. The promotional 5.9% annual interest rate for balance transfers applies for 6 months from the date of transfer and will be applied automatically. For a member to be eligible:

  • The member must hold one of the Collabria consumer or business cards (except the US Dollar card) at the time of the balance transfer request
  • Balance transfers cannot be made from another existing Collabria consumer or business card
  • Balance transfers must be requested between May 1 – July 31, 2020
  • Balance transfers must be $500 or more

For more information on the 5.9% Balance Transfer and the full terms and conditions, click here.