The Board of Directors of Westoba are declaring a Preferred Share member dividend payout of 6.25% on outstanding Westoba Credit Union Ltd. Preferred Shares for 2023.
Jim Rediger, President and Chief Executive Officer at Westoba, explains the value of Westoba’s Preferred Share program.
“Our 6.25% dividend to our members holding preferred shares shows how valuable this investment can be to your overall financial plan. This exclusive Westoba member share program, with a rate of return that has been historically above average, provides opportunities to diversify into Tax-Free Savings Accounts or Registered Retirement Savings Plan investments. We are pleased that our members continue to see great benefits from this program.”
Rhonda Oakden, QAFP ™, CHS, RIS, Director of Westoba Financial Solutions Ltd., explains that Preferred Shares are designed for investors that want to diversify their portfolio while supporting their credit union. “This is a great reminder that a well-diversified portfolio is a favoured approach to optimizing your overall investment strategy,” said Oakden. “Credit Union Preferred Shares provide the potential to grow your investment over time, especially when weathering uncertain market conditions.”
The Preferred Shares dividend payout for 2023 totals over $850,000. Dividends will be paid to Members by January 24, 2024. Currently, no preferred shares are being offered but please keep an eye out for this exclusive offering.
For more information on Preferred Shares or to book an appointment, call 1-877-WESTOBA or email